

Archive for December 2017

Realtor Coffee Talk Dec 30th 2017

Realtor Coffee Talk - The Tuttle Group

Final Realtor Coffee Talk for 2017. The Tuttle Group grew by 40%, but that is not as important as having great client communications as well as recognizing where can improve.

There is a difference between goals and plans. Goals are aspirational, whereas a plan is a path to reach those goals and aspirations. We are working to be better at delivering our base...

Final 2017 DFW Mortgage Market Update

DFW Mortgage Market Update - The Tuttle Group

Final 2017 DFW Mortgage Market Update.

This week we saw an improvement in the bond market. While most bond traders were on holiday break but there was some volatility. We had a nice rally that saw rates improve by about an 8th of a percent.

We may see higher rates (still historically low). Rates may inch up, but it is still a great time to buy. Have a great holiday...

Year-End Planning and Possible Tax Implications

Tax Implication - The Tuttle Group

With the new tax reform, means that some advanced planning on your part could result in some financial savings. A new tax reform could be effective as early as January 1, 2018. It would impact rate brackets, capital gain rates, standard deductions, and a mortgage interest deduction.

Your Home Mortgage It looks like the Senate bill would leave current...

DFW Weekly Mortgage Update: Low Unemployment & Low Rates

lending company in dallas - The Tuttle Group

Quick holiday update. The jobs report was good overall with 57,000 new jobs at a 4.7% unemployment rate. While the jobs report was strong bonds stayed above, and looking forward some are forecasting lower unemployment which could cause inflation due to a tighter jobs market.

Looking at the price chart, we see that we are staying at a floating stance. The west coast fires and...

Stay In The Know

Stay up to date on what you need to know about market changes and how that impacts a home mortgage.