

Archive for November 2016

5 Ways to Prep for Holiday Shopping & Stress

5 Ways to Prep for Holiday Shopping & Stress - The Tuttle Group

Some of the largest factors contributing to holiday stress are money and shopping for gifts. Here’s how to save some money and piece of mind.

1. Be realistic. Every year is different. Sometimes you see certain family members and not others; other times you’re the family member who can’t make it home for the holidays. That’s okay;...

Tuttle Group Radio: John Allen & Dan Hitt

The Tuttle Group Radio - John Allen & Dan Hitt

What exactly are home inspectors looking for? As a buyer, what should YOU be looking for? Listen Now.

Get in contact with John or Dan today!

Want to listen to past shows? Check out our podcast!




Favorite Thanksgiving Traditions

Favorite Thanksgiving Traditions - The Tuttle Group

Thanksgiving is coming right around the corner. And if there’s one thing we can all agree on, the biggest tradition is FOOD.

There’s always that one memorable dish that holds so many memories. We asked our team what is their favorite thing to eat every Thanksgiving, and what were some of the most memorable...

DFW Market Update: Where are the Rates Now after the Election?



Our team voted, have you? [gallery link="file" size="medium" ids="1451,1452,1453" orderby="rand"]   There's still time left, voting ends November 8th at 7Pm!

4 Questions to Ask Your Lender

4 Questions to Ask Your Lender - The Tuttle Group

Shopping Around? Here’s the inside scoop on how to do it right!

First: make sure you are working with an experienced, professional loan officer. The largest financial transaction of your life is far too important to place into the hands of someone who is not capable of advising you properly and troubleshooting the issues that may arise along the way. But how can you...

Stay In The Know

Stay up to date on what you need to know about market changes and how that impacts a home mortgage.