
5 Ways to Prep for Holiday Shopping & Stress

5 Ways to Prep for Holiday Shopping & Stress - The Tuttle Group

Some of the largest factors contributing to holiday stress are money and shopping for gifts. Here’s how to save some money and piece of mind.

1. Be realistic.
Every year is different. Sometimes you see certain family members and not others; other times you’re the family member who can’t make it home for the holidays. That’s okay; families change and grow, as do traditions. Choose which ones to hold onto, and be open to creating new ones.

2. Gift Card an Experience.
We’ve all been there – you know, when you don’t know what to give someone, so you settle for the gift card. But instead of getting a Starbucks gift card, try giving an experience. Experiences last longer than materialistic things, and they don’t have to be specific. Try a gift card to AMC so they can see a new, long-awaited movie, or maybe a gift card to Ticketmaster so they can see their favorite artist.

3. Stick to a budget.
Remember: Don’t try to buy happiness with gifts. Before you make the journey of gift and food shopping, decide how much money you can afford to spend. Most importantly, stick to that budget. Some good alternatives can include:
i. Donating to a charity in someone’s name
ii. Gift card an experience
iii. Give homemade gifts
iv. Do a gift exchange with friends and family

4. Decorate EVERYTING.
No matter how cheesy it may be, decorating really does get your soul into the holiday spirit. Even in our office, putting up a simple tree is fun and brings a little more joy to the environment.

5. Save money in big ways.
To “save money” is easier said than done, but it doesn’t hurt to look at your options. One way to save money is by refinancing to a lower interest rate on your home loan, which can lower your monthly payment. This can influence your holiday (and every day) spending positively.

To find out if you can get a lower rate, call our team at 469-319-0660 and we would be happy to help you find ways to save you some money and put more presents under the tree.

*This advertisement does not constitute tax advice. Please consult a tax advisor regarding your specific situation.




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