Affordability Calculator

How much home can you afford?
Estimate what you can comfortably spend.

*This calculator is for educational use only. Hypothetical interest rates, mortgage payments, and home prices reflect a hypothetical scenario based on a fixed mortgage loan with a 20% down payment. These figures and rates are for educational purposes only and do not reflect an official mortgage loan offer. All loans are subject to minimum FICO score and maximum Loan-to-Value. This is not an offer to enter into an agreement. Not all customers will qualify. Information, rates, and programs are subject to change without prior notice. All products are subject to credit and property approval. Not all products are available in all states or for all dollar amounts. Other restrictions and limitations may apply.


Sometimes we’re asked “what type of loans do you offer?” We offer them all — Conventional Home Loans, FHA Home Loans, VA Home Loans, etc. – yet our experience as Dallas mortgage brokers has taught us the right loan type is unique to each individual situation. We pride ourselves on helping you select the right type of loan type for you, based on your financial goals. Check out the various loan programs we offer at The Tuttle Group.

Out of the Box Home Loans

Don’t believe a conventional home loan is right for you? We understand! This often applies to business owners, doctors and those who are self-employed. An inexperienced mortgage banker would qualify you for far less home than you can afford.

Not so at The Tuttle Group. We’re experienced in working with people who have unique loan situations. We often see this with Veterans and active Military members, as well as public servants – teachers, police officers and firefighters.

Need help? Get in touch today »

Apply for a Home Mortgage

Exciting! You’re ready to start thinking about a new home or ready to start the process. Either way, we’re here to help. We’d love to answer your questions and let you know what to expect. If you’re ready to get started, we’ll do that too. Just fill out our quick form and we’ll be in touch quickly.

In the meantime, check out our information on how the process works so you know what to expect. But don’t worry! We’ll walk you through each step and be by your side throughout the entire process.

DFW Market Update

Stay up to date on what you need to know as an active home buyer. Be it changes in the Federal Funds Rate or fluctuations in the Bond Market, our weekly DFW Mortgage update will keep you informed as to how market changes impact the cost of borrowing money in a home loan.

Weekly Market Rate Updates - The Tuttle Group

Interested in Working with a Great Team?

We’re always looking for talented team members. If you’re a loan officer or have experience in the home mortgage industry and are interested in joining The Tuttle Group, contact us today.
